A vehicle’s suspension system (shocks or struts) can easily be neglected. After all, we have many responsibilities and often the most glaring issues fail to make their way to the top of our priority list.
At Standard Auto Care, our team will make your vehicle our top priority. In doing so, we want to equip car and truck owners in the Sacramento, CA, area with six very recognizable signs that indicate you need to visit us for suspension repairs in Sacramento, CA.
Sign #1: Rough Rider
Your car or truck should ride smoothly. When the struts or shocks are wearing down, they stop absorbing the road, meaning you will begin to notice every bump and dip in the road—and it will be uncomfortable.
Sign #2: Nose Dives
If this is happening with your vehicle, it will be difficult to miss. When shocks are in need of replacement, you are likely to notice the body “lurching” in a forward and downward motion when braking hard. Healthy shocks will prevent this “nose dive.”
Sign #3: Drifts and Pulls AKA “Rollover Sensation”
This can feel scary. If your vehicle’s suspension is failing, you may feel it drift or pull when turning, which means the stability of your vehicle against the centrifugal force of a turn is compromised. In more simple terms, your risk of a rollover is heightened, significantly.
Sign #4: Balding is Bad
Is the tread wearing down on your tires unevenly? This is worth checking once in a while. Make this a habit while fueling up at the gas station. Look at the tires and assess the wear. Are there bald spots? These are caused by uneven amounts of pressure often associated with failing suspension.
Sign #5: Greasy Struts
For those of you willing to look under the vehicle, this is a helpful and proactive measure to take if you suspect a suspension issue. Unique oil is used for vehicle struts, which allows them to absorb bumps and dips in the surface of the road. When this oil begins to leak, it is visible. Note: this usually coincides with jarring and noticeably harsher bumps in transit.
Sign #6: Low Rider
Does one corner of your vehicle “lean” or seem lower than the others, but all tires are properly inflated? With near certainty, suspension repairs are needed.
Quick Test: Bouncy, Bouncy
Think your vehicle may need a visit with us? Give it the Bounce Test: push on the hood or truck and get it bouncing, then let go. Your car or truck should return to its normal height within three to four bounces. Any more than that—give our team a call.
.Remember: safety first. You do not have to be a car and truck expert to be proactive in caring for your vehicle suspension. Save these tips and be mindful of any changes you feel while behind the wheel. Your vehicle’s suspension is key to a safe and comfortable ride. Our certified and friendly crew at Standard Auto Care will take care of your vehicle as if it were our own.
Standard Auto Care
2240 Colfax St.
Sacramento CA 95815
(916) 924-8040