Replacing a transmission is the second most expensive vehicle repair you will ever make—a close second to replacing the engine. We see this time and again: transmission repairs in Sacramento, CA, are put off, underestimated, and unnoticed, which will inevitably result in unnecessary expenses ranging from $1,800-$3,000…or more!
Our team here at Standard Auto Care wants to help vehicle owners in the Sacramento, CA, area take care of your cars and trucks so you get the longest life and safest travels out of them.
Take note of the following warning signs that are tied to potential transmission issues:
Shaking when shifting gears
A healthy transmission will not shake. If your transmission is functioning normally, your vehicle will run smoothly during gear shifts. Do you feel a jerking or shaking when shifting gears? Give our team a call—this annoyance could turn into a big issue down the road. The fix is likely as simple as flushing and adding new transmission fluid or a clutch replacement in manual transmission vehicles.
Smell burning fluid?
Hot transmission fluid has a very distinct, pungent smell similar to burning rubber. This smell indicates very dirty fluid or a leak that is dripping onto a hot engine. We’ll need to replace that transmission fluid soon to avoid further issues down the road. Running on old or dirty transmission fluid is actually just as harmful as neglecting oil changes for extended periods of time. Don’t let this go!
Transmission fluid leak
There is an array of issues associated with this and all are relatively easy and affordable to address: loose pans, improperly tightened bolts, cracked pan gaskets, unsecured drain plugs, damaged fluid lines, etc.
“Check Engine” light
Do not ignore this little light! Sure, sometimes this light comes on without your vehicle giving you any symptoms at all. But, you really do need to heed its warning, before the noises and smells or leaking fluids appear. Our team can quickly diagnose the exact issue and address it timely and affordably.
Noisy neutral
You can perform your own mini service check on your transmission by starting it, putting it in neutral, and listening for odd noises which could be described as ticking, groaning, or whining.
Slipping or stuck gears
Basically, your car or truck should do what you tell it to do. If you notice delays or gears changing without your “command,” or if you experience your vehicle refusing to shift into drive or reverse gear—there’s an issue. There could be a leak or a worn clutch plate (if a manual transmission). This requires immediate attention. Our team at Standard Auto Care wants you and your family to remain safe. We want to help you protect your hard earned income! You do not want to find yourself in need of a new transmission when a much less costly repair was an option. Don’t let a simple fix turn into a huge issue. If any of these symptoms ring true, give our team a call!
Standard Auto Care
2240 Colfax St.
Sacramento CA 95815
(916) 924-8040